Delta has round-trip flights from Dallas (DAL/DFW) to Rome, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Dublin, or Madrid (FCO, BCN, AMS, DUB, MAD) for $518-$676with a connection. 7-day minimum stay required. No Thanksgiving dates.
These fares have been on and off for the past few days. They lasted less than a full day last time.
Rome: Flights April, May, August, September, October, and November.
Barcelona: Flights April, May, August, September, October, and November.
Amsterdam: Flights April, May, August, September, and October.
Dublin: Flights April, May, August, September, and October.
Madrid: Flights April, May, August, September, October, and November.
Read More Cheap Flights: Dallas to Rome, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Dublin, or Madrid $518-$575 r/t [Apr-May, Aug-Nov] (These fares have been on/off for the past few days) – Delta