Coupon codes, discount codes, gift card discount, and credit card offers

Here are some other offers that we think are worth mentioning. List updated 03/25/2025.

We now track coupon codes, discount codes, gift card discounts, and credit card offers that have a better value than their historical averages.

  • 30% off coupon for New Temu users. If you haven’t already signed up for Temu, this is a good way to get cheap travel bags and accessories with a good discount coupon code.
  • Airfare/Hotel coupons on Hopper: (updated daily-ish) Hopper always has discount coupons on their main page. The full list is on Hopper’s website. Keep in mind that Hopper is an OTA, so don’t expect them to honor the free 24-hour cancellation period, or to have the lowest base fare price. Hopper will try to up-sell you on a lot of extras like “cancel for any reason” policies, if you decide to use Hopper we advise that you decline all of those extras.
  • It is common to find Southwest and Alaska Airlines gift-cards for sale at a discount of about -$70 to -$20 off the redeemable value at Costco and Sam’s Club. Before you finalize your booking on either of these airlines, you should check to see if you can save more money by using a gift card.